UK Groundwater Forum
United Kingdom
Organisation:  UK Groundwater Forum
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Groundwater protection-->Groundwater protection overview
Organisation Outline:
The UK Groundwater Forum is a voluntary association existing to benefit the whole groundwater community. It receives funding from the Environment Agency 
(EA), the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), and the Scotland and Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research (Sniffer). The Water Services
Association (WSA), the Water Companies Association (WCA) and the Foundation for Water Research (FWR) are represented on the Forum’s steering committee.
It aims to: Raise the awareness of groundwater and the role it plays in supporting the environment and in water supply; Provide information on groundwater
targeted at specific groups such as decision makers, policy makers and schoolchildren; Produce and disseminate information and facilitate discussion on
topical groundwater issues within the groundwater community; Provide a means for those in the water and environment community to share information. The site has informative pages that explain groundwater issues with comprehensive links to downloadable chapters on different aspects. There are useful
links to groundwater organisations, research and professional representative bodies. There are pages for teaching in schools about groundwater. A free
monthly E-news newsletter, covering issues in the news, meeting and events and forum activities, is sent to anyone who registers online.